Cal Sag Enterprise Zone
Because the Enterprise Zone benefits are already agreed to by the local municipality and the State of Illinois, there is no further qualifying necessary. If the project is in the Zone and fits the property classes of commercial, industrial, or multifamily - 12 units or more under the same owner. Sales tax savings is upfront, which is a substantial saving to the project during construction. Property tax abatement is reported once a year to Cook County if the project is entitled to property tax reduction.
Step 1: Business contacts the Cal Sag Enterprise Zone office to verify that the address is in the Zone and that the project is commercial, industrial, or multi-family.
Step 2 Business completes Cal Sag Enterprise Zone application and tax-exempt subcontractor spreadsheet.
Step 3: Business sends completed application, contractor spreadsheet and appropriate fee to the Zone Office (address on the bottom of the form) Zone fee is submitted to the Cal Sag office.
Step 4: Zone Administrator sends letter to local building department describing the project and confirming that the prospect is eligible for Enterprise Zone benefits. The letter and form are sent to the Director of Economic Development or Zone representative, and they forward it to their building department. The building department completes the form when permits are issued (this confirms the value of the permit fees.).
Step 4: Building Department sends the form back to Zone Office confirming the value of permit fees
Step 6: Zone Administrator sends business Building Materials Exemption Certificate (s) for use with the purchase of building materials. Projects will likely update the spreadsheet of contractors as new subs and contracts are awarded.
Step 7 When a project is complete, the project representative must notify the Zone office that it is finished and the final costs and employment created.
Step 8 The Zone administrator will notify Cook County, in January each year of the projects completed the prior year that are eligible for property tax abatement.
All projects must complete and submit the Cal Sag Enterprise Zone Application to the Zone Office PRIOR TO ordering materials, receiving permits, and starting construction to receive full benefits.